Monday, May 5, 2008

Settling in.....

We are finally all moved in. Seems like it took forever but D did a perfect job of arranging the movers and all that needed to get done. It was a good move, but slightly harder than I anticipated with D's back and my cold. Only a couple of slight mishaps.....of course the lamp in the TV went out and Conn's is impossible to get a hold of. Two of our new chairs are on back order. And, a broken candle holder. Not bad considering all of the stuff we have. Yesterday we were able to get everything out of the living room and kitchen and into a spare room. Since D can't lift still, she got stuck arranging the closet, which was a chore to say the least.

The Boys are slowly adjusting. They were able to run in the back yard leash free since the monsters next door must have been gone for the weekend. Diesel went after the other neighbor's dog but one spray of the hose and he was done...won't even go in that area anymore. Junior loves to just lay in the grass. All three look like a little herd of cattle munchin on the grass. They still don't understand the concept of having their own room. Granted, it is small and they can't run around much, but it's better than being locked in the crates.

Finally, finally....we've been able to grill and have done so the last couple of nites. This was the one thing I have been looking forward to!

D has mentioned the sounds of the house.....but I think she was politely saying that my intense snoring the last few days is what is waking her! I am exhausted and a little lost in the house (I feel like a visitor) but all that is left is to just settle in..........


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