Thursday, December 27, 2007

All signs point to....BABY!

So I get a text message this morning from one of my best friends, it reads, " I just had to tell you - I had a dream last night that the baby making was successful!!!" That would make the fourth, yes FOURTH person to tell us that we are going to get pregnant with our first try. Though we are trying not to give our hopes up, we have a good vibe about our first try, and everyones contributing good vibes only make it better! So I suppose, as of right now. All signs point to....BABY!

Continued: Getting another message from Lynn saying, "And be prepared: if this works now or even in the next few months. Erin will be pg during the summer. Not fun!!!! Love her, do whatever she wants, and keep her cool!" OMG! This woman is not helping my nerves! lol My Mom was pg during the summer and she was miserable, so we are somewhat prepared for that!!


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What it means......

Soontobe2008.......yes, it is almost 2008. 2008 will start out wonderfully. It will be the best year ever. After 9 years (9 years on Jan 4), we are attempting to expand our family. Our 9 years have been great, and of course, a couple of bad bumps in the road. However, those bumps have brought us to where we are now, finally ready to follow through with our dreams.

Our Blog will take you through the process, some detail, some secrecy. But look for more to come.

Until then.......
