Friday, May 2, 2008

Nueva casa

Well it's finally here! After what seemed like forever, we are finally moved into the new house!!! Before I go too far, I must publically thank my Love for all that she has done for this move!! As some of you might know my back has been out since the 18Th and I was, what's the word...useless? Aside from the movers, E took care of everything. She is wonderful, what else can I say? Moving on...

The house is great! The boys seemed a little lost, but they are slowly getting used to it. They have their very own room in this house and that's DEFINITELY going to take some getting used to. Our first night went smoothly, aside from the fact that I heard EVERY possible noise in the house...Ha! It's going to take time getting used to all the space and we need to learn all the new sounds of our new home. We look forward to settling in this weekend for some serious unpacking and set up. We hope this post finds everyone doing well and we will be back soon....



1 comment:

Lynn said...


I remember the first night Dwayne and I spent here. It stormed all night and I'll bet I only slept 10 minutes the entire night. The cats roamed the house for days wondering where they were, so I know what you're talking about with the dogs. They'll be fine in no time. Dogs are so adaptable.

Take your time settling in and take it easy on your back. Let us know when you're all settled so we can swing by and see ya'll.

Love you both!