Friday, August 8, 2008

Shredded Cheese-Heads

For those of us who are hard core football fans, the time is approaching for the games to begin. If you don't know who Brett Favre is, then just stop reading now. See, Brett, one of the most successful and talented quarterbacks in football, decided earlier this year to retire. Why not? He's set almost every record and, well, he's older now (pushing 39) and it just seems right. Why not go out on top? Like many before him -- Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson -- he too had decided to come out of retirement. Sure, come out of retirement.....but why should the guy who has been your back-up for years, the one who now deserves that spot, have to ride the pine again? So, Brett doesn't get his way and leaves Green Bay. So be it. They are better off without the old man. Brett is now a Jet. And all of the so called "cheese-heads" will follow him to New York. Oh, and he gets $12 million for this season. $12,000,000 a year (which really is not a year but a few months) to throw a ball. I love football. LOVE IT. But no one is worth that kind of money. How about those of us who work to ensure people have the medication they need, that they have a roof over their heads...take out a few zeros there. Brett needs to realize that what he had was a good thing .... a good career and the opportunity to retire healthy, wealthy, and happy with his family. So, basically, my rant is that Brett is a big Baby. There. GO SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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