Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Impulse Buying

I am the resident expert at clearing the highways of nails. With that, we had 2 tires changed in the last month (although they needed changing anyway, I just sped up the process). On Monday, James (James II that is, our black Saturn VUE) didn't sound happy, so I took him in to get checked. Not an hour into that...I text D letting her know that James is being appraised. I would never make this decision alone so returned home intending to head back to Saturn on Sunday with D. We returned shortly after.

And left with a new Saturn VUE XR V6. For less than what we paid (monthly) before. This surpasses picking up a pack of gum at the check-out line.

His name is Jaime. And he says hello to everyone.


1 comment:

Lynn said...

Congrats on the new car!