Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Goin' back to cali, to cali.....

We leave for Cali in one week. It will be good to get away from both of our jobs for a few days. I'm going to my first professional baseball game......let's hope there are no fly balls coming my way. Then we hit Disney Land.....yes, it may be the original, but it's no Disney World!

We saw Indiana Jones last week -- we were disappointed, but glad we saw it.

This week -- Sex and the City:



1 comment:

Lynn said...

Cali sounds like fun! ya'll be safe and have a great time!!!

We saw Indy last Friday and we liked it. The script seemed a little cheesy but all-in-all it was good. Jackson didn't take his eyes off the screen for a second! He came home and got his cowboy hat (an Indy fedora) and a jumprope (a whip) and played Indy all weekend. Too cute!!

I want to see SATC but I know I'll never drag Dwayne along. Looks like I'll be waiting for a DVD release...

love ya'll!!