Saturday, April 5, 2008

You can chipmunk off my cup....

D took me to Austin's La Swamp Thing and Crawfish festival today. She enjoyed some corndogs while I chowed down on some mudbugs. Note that my honorary cajun makes much better red beans than these people did! It was a fun time, then we hit the batting cages.


Lynn said...

Erin, when I heard about the festival I just had a feeling ya'll would go! You both look very happy in the pictures. I can't tell you how happy I am that things are going well for ya'll.

Best of luck on the move. If ya'll need anything let us know. I'm not very strong but I'm really good at pointing out where things go LOL When Dwayne and I bought our house I was about 7 months pregnant so I didn't lift a finger, but I'm sure that doesn't surprise anyone! Let me know when ya'll are settled.

Love you both!!

Familia Miranda said...

Thanks Lynnie. This time, we were smart and we have movers. Charlie can come over and play with the boys anytime!